• CIMA-LSPAMP Research Symposium

  • #Eco-JEDI

  • Jobs and Education for Texas (JET) Grant Program

Advancements & Grants

The mission of the College Grant Development is to design and strengthen educational resources and programs that contribute to achieving Northeast Lakeview College’s strategic goals. We do this through external funding secured through competitive applications to local, state, and federal agencies and private foundations.  For more information, contact:

Simone Carnegie-Diaz
Director of College Grant Development


Grant awards are listed by the date received

NSF 24- 551. Strengthening STEM Education Through Instrumentation Support for Physics and Engineering

Funding Source: National Science Foundation
Grant Program Managers: Betsy Flood and Sue Stankus

The Instrumentation Support for Physics and Engineering project focuses on expanding access to instructional materials that provide hands-on application and visualization of theoretical concepts in physics and engineering. Funded demonstration and experiment sets strengthen students’ measurement, analysis, and problem-solving skills, breaking abstract concepts into more concrete, manageable pieces and fostering active engagement. The project also facilitates the development of video recordings of lectures, supplemental lessons, and computational reviews utilizing one-button studio and lightboard technology.

College Service Grant

Funding Source: Allstate Foundation and the Center for Expanding Leadership and Opportunity
Grant Program Manager: Sabrina Hammel

Funding from the Allstate Foundation empowers NLC students to utilize their knowledge to design and deliver hands-on service-learning activities for the youth of Montgomery Elementary School (MES). Microgrants will be distributed to student organizations, providing them the financial resources to design and implement a service project unique to their academic, identity, career or extracurricular interests.


Student Success Acceleration Program 2.0

Funding Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Grant Program Managers: Tangila Dove and Betsy Flood

The Nighthawks Student Outreach and Retention (SOAR) project directs the adoption of the Pronto student engagement platform at Northeast Lakeview College (NLC) to create communities of support outside of the classroom. Pronto is designed to enhance communication between students, faculty, and staff, grounded in theoretical studies that demonstrate that when students feel connected to their campus community, they display higher grades, persistence, and lower rates of depression and anxiety.


Title III. Strengthening Institution Programs

Funding Source: U.S. Department of Education
Grant Program Manager: Laura Boyer

Through funding from the U.S. Department of Education, an AlamoSUCCESS Grant Stewardship Council composed of representative planning and data analysis professionals from each of the five colleges will collectively improve data collection and analysis tools districtwide.


Emergency Aid Program

Funding Sources: Greater Texas Foundation
Grant Program Manager: Cristela Garcia

The Emergency Aid Program aims to improve efficiencies of the NLC Nighthawk’s Nest Student Advocacy Center (NNSAC) and to develop a robust sustainability strategy for NNSAC while also providing direct funding to NLC students to address basic needs insecurity.


NLC 2024 Cohort Initiative

Funding Sources: Greater Texas Foundation
Grant Program Manager(s):  Tangila Dove

With funding from the Greater Texas Foundation, Northeast Lakeview College will launch a transformative program aimed at boosting the success rates of economically disadvantaged students. This initiative will support first-year students at Northeast Lakeview College across two cohorts in Spring 2024 and Fall 2024. By implementing five evidence-based practices, including cohort-based learning communities, holistic advising, supplemental instruction, experiential learning opportunities, and academic scholarships, this program will empower students on their journey towards a two-year degree and provide pathways for seamless transfers to four-year universities.


Texas Reskilling and Upskilling Through Education (TRUE) 2023 Grant Program

Funding Sources: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Grant Program Manager: Keith Collins

The TRUE grant supports the “Innovative Methods for Promoting Advanced Certification and Training” (IMPACT) project, a collaborative initiative between Northeast Lakeview College and Palo Alto College. IMPACT will create, redesign, and expand short-term training programs in Logistics, Advanced Manufacturing, and Welding (AMTL) degree programs. Specifically, IMPACT will 1) Increase awareness of AMTL programs and respective in-demand occupations among prospective students, community members, employers, and workforce stakeholders. 2) Collaborate with industry partners to develop short-duration, industry-aligned OSAs and embed industry certifications within the Alamo Colleges AMTL curriculum. 3) Increase student performance outcomes by providing scholarships, eliminating barriers to student success, and incentivizing enrollment and persistence in Alamo Colleges AMTL academic programs.


Alamo Colleges Open Educational Records (OER) Consortium Project

Funding Source: U.S. Department of Education
Grant Program Manager: Laura Boyer

The Alamo Colleges OER Consortium Project will serve 10,000+ students and 75 faculty members districtwide within 15% of the top five enrollment course sections across the district. Specifically, the project will 1) Develop comprehensive, collaborative OER technology tools (CPP) and materials for the top five enrolling courses to maximize student savings; 2) Increase adoption of Open Textbook within the top five enrolling interdisciplinary courses that are also part of the core 15 credit hours for Career and Technical Education (CTE) high-wage high-demand pathways. 3) Increase Professional Development and a OER repository to support OER adoption by consortium faculty.


The Progress, Accomplishment, Thriving, Hope (PATH) Scholarship Program

Funding Sources: Ellucian Foundation
Grant Program Manager(s):  Cristela Garcia

The PATH block grant provides scholarships to NLC students to address basic need insecurity. Scholarships support students experiencing economic hardships, with an emphasis on mitigating barriers to enrollment.


College Readiness and Success Models (CRSM-2023)

Funding Sources: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Grant Program Manager(s):  Tammy Perez and Allen Miller

The College Readiness and Success Models (CRSM-2023) grant supports the creation of an NLC developmental educational advisory committee to oversee the implementation of a multiple measures assessment placement protocol for high school complete students and associated faculty training. CRSM-2023 also provides direct student support in the expansion of the College’s calculator loan program, embedded tutorial, and academic boot camp initiatives.


Prevention and Behavioral Health Promotion Grant

Funding Source:  Health and Human Services Commission
Grant Program Manager(s):  Cristela Garcia and Warren Hurd

As a sub-award from the San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness, funds support the construction of a Zen and Wellness Garden on the NLC campus that will allow students and community members to engage with nature and participate in mindfulness activities.  The Zen and Wellness Garden will also serve as a site for a series of community mental health workshops.


Student Success Acceleration Implementation Program (SSAP)

Funding Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Grant Program Manager(s):  Julie Kirkland-Poirier and Cristela Garcia

SSAP seeks to mitigate enrollment barriers, promoting the retention and graduation of NLC’s part-time students. Monthly phone outreach, supplemented by emails/mailings, provides information on campus resources and connects students with wraparound services to address social, emotional, and educational barriers. Additionally, SSAP basic needs grants provide financial assistance to address immediate welfare needs, reducing transportation, housing, and childcare barriers that stall academic persistence.


Jobs and Education for Texas (JET) Grant Program

Funding Source: Texas Workforce Commission
Grant Program Manager: Fabius Bascon

The JET grant provides the equipment necessary to double the capacity of NLC’s lab facilities, allowing for increased student enrollment and hands-on learning for students seeking careers as Network and Computer Systems Administrators.  


Hispanic Serving Institution Education Grant

Funding Source: National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Grant Program Manager: Laura Perry

As a sub-award from the University of Texas at San Antonio, the #Eco-JEDI seeks to increase recruitment, graduation, and career readiness for students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through a city-wide collaboration of three HSIs.  Services include financial support to for students to participate in science, technical communication, and professional activities along with mentoring from faculty, and opportunities for hands-on research across institutions, communities, and government agencies.



Funding Source: Trellis Foundation and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Grant Program Manager: Cristela Garcia

The AlamoThrive grant strives for a greater understanding of and response to mental health needs across the Alamo College District. The grant aims to 1) launch a comprehensive needs analysis, including faculty, staff, students, and community partners of all five colleges, 2) develop and implement a comprehensive plan for public awareness, faculty and staff training, Active Minds student groups, and increased services based on the needs assessment, and 3) monitor changes in mental health literacy and help-seeking behavior. Implementation of a data-driven plan will lead to more culturally aware and effectively supportive faculty and staff, more culturally-responsive counseling, and improved coping skills and help-seeking behaviors of Alamo students, as measured by Healthy Minds Surveys.


National Defense Education Program

Funding Source: United States Department of Defense
Grant Program Manager: Dania Rossi  

As a partner in the Military City- USA Consortium, the grant strives to promote and support the completion of technical training and certificate programs that strengthen the DoD and Defense Industrial Base (DIB) science, technology, and manufacturing workforce. Activities include (1) STEM college-based summer camps at all five Alamo colleges to expose middle and high school students to DoD STEM careers. (2) Peer mentors to assist and tutor students to increase degree completion or transfer. (3) Internships and undergraduate research opportunities to better transition STEM students to the DIB workforce.


Grow with Google

Funding Source: Google
Grant Program Manager: Peggy Chavez  

In partnership with the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, the Grow with Google grant will support career centers with funding to provide post-secondary students with development opportunities, professional brand training, and digital skills.  The initiative seeks to be a catalyst for a future workforce by providing semester-long virtual and in-person workshops and free educational tools.

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP). Ciencia, Ingeniería, y Matemáticas Aliados (CIMA)

Funding Source: National Science Foundation
Grant Program Manager: Marsha Adrian   

The five CIMA Alliance partners, St. Philip’s College, San Antonio College, Palo Alto College, Northwest Vista College, and Northeast Lakeview College, have been working together through the LSAMP B2B alliance with the goal of increasing the number of underrepresented minority students who transfer into bachelor’s degree programs in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM). The grant funds academic support including tutorial and supplemental instruction, peer mentors, and a summer research program.